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How to use weapon NFTs


Weapon NFTs are assets that you can equip to your character NFTs for them to be stronger. In order to acquire these weapon NFTs, you have to buy them at the marketplace or you can get them through the Gacha using weapon spheres which you can also get from the marketplace, as well as some events.  

How to Equip Weapon NFTs to your Character NFTs

1.Go to Item Section

 From the main menu, click on the item button that can be found on the downside of the menu.

2. Click Character Information

Next, head to the character section by clicking the character section just like shown in the image below. This is needed because you will need to consider first character NFTs you have.

3. Check Your Character NFTs

Before you choose the Character NFT you’re going to equip a weapon with, you have to consider the pieces of information that you can see on the screen. The information I’m going to talk about should contribute a lot on which characters can equip weapons.

Equipment Slots: These slots show how many weapon NFTs you can equip to that NFT. Each open box, shown as a box with “+” signs, are the slots you can use to equip weapons with.

Character Detail: The Character Detail shows different numbers about the character, these are the HP, speed, attack, and many more. These stats are important because these will dictate a lot of things in your battles. The higher the stat of the character is, the better they’ll perform in battle

4. Select the Character NFT you’re going to equip with. 

Now you’ve considered your choices, it’s time for you to decide which NFT you would like to put a weapon on. If you still haven’t decided, a suggestion is to focus on the characters that are in your Formation.

5. Click on the Open Weapon Slot

Click on the character’s weapon slot that has the “+” sign on it. Those weapon slots are the ones you can equip a weapon with.

6. Choose The Weapon NFT that you want to equip. 

On the right side, you’ll be able to see your Weapon NFTs. Choose among them what you wish to equip with a Character NFT.

7. Click Equip Button.

Once you have chosen your weapon, click equip. Take note that each weapon provides different kinds of stats.  Again, as you choose click equip, consider both the Character and the Weapon you’re choosing so you’ll make the most out of the stats you get from the weapon.

8. Choose Which Character You’re Going to Equip the Weapon NFT.

After clicking equip, it’s now time to choose the Character NFT you’re gonna equip it with. Refer to image 6.a for reference

8-1. Why Sometimes I Can’t Equip My Weapon to My Character?

Sometimes, you won’t be able to equip a Weapon NFT so certain Characters. That is because some weapons do have conditions wherein the weapon is limited only to be used by specific Tribes. In this case, the Weapon NFT can only be used for Beast Tribe like Lycanthrope and Charlotte Quinn, so it can’t be equipped to any other character with a different Tribe other than beast.

8-2. it can’t be equipped to any other character with a different Tribe

Upon trying to equip the weapon, the character NFTs that are darkened are character NFTs that don’t meet the condition of the weapon. In this scenario, only Best tribe Character NFTs can be chosen.

9. Click OK to confirm.

Click the confirm in the middle right part of the screen, just like shown on the image below.

10. Finally Complete the Equipping of the Weapon by Clicking the “OK” Button

Clicking “Ok” finalizes the action of equipping the weapon NFT. Then, you’ll be able to fight in any game mode with increased stats coming from the weapon NFT, making your team stronger overall.

Adding More Weapon to Your NFT

If your NFT has 2 or more weapon slots you can use, then it’s possible for you to equip more than one Weapon to a Character. We’ll show next how you can add more!

1. Check the Character with Equipped Weapon a Second Available Weapon Slots

2. Click the Available Weapon slot

3. Choose the Second Weapon You’re going to Equip

4. Proceed using the same steps you did from earlier equip guide

Weapon Effect and Element Exclusive Buff

While choosing the weapon NFT you’re going to equip, make sure to check the effects that the Weapon NFTs have. If you want to max out the tankiness of your Character NFT, then what’s good to equip are Weapons that will give out Defense and HP, but if you want to maximize the damage, it’s better to equip Weapons that will increase the Attack and Speed of your Character. That is because Weapons give out stat on percentage rate, so the higher stat the character has, the higher it will get from the percentage boost from the weapon. 

Aside from the Effect of the Weapon itself, some weapons also have exclusive effects. These effects will only reflect if you equip the weapon on a Character with the same element as the Weapon NFT. These exclusive effects vary depending on the element of the Weapon. If you want to utilize both the effect and exclusive effects, then you should consider both the element and what stat your NFT needs for the team.

Comparing the Stats of the character with and without the weapon

Now let’s look at how much of an effect attaching a weapon to a character actually has!

Stats Without the Weapon NFT:

These are the stats without the weapon, so this is the base stats of this character.

Stats with Weapon NFT:

As the weapon was equipped, we can now see that the HP and Defense of the character has increased because of the weapon. Additionally, since the weapon has extra stats for Anima characters and because Jehanne is Anima, she gets Extra Speed thanks to the weapon.

Now you know how to equip weapons to your NFTs and enjoy its benefits! Using those weapon NFTs, there will be more opponents that you can battle and win against! Now plan and fight harder with your newfound mechanic and aim to become the emperor!






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